What is your background (Degree, Master Degree, PhD on…)?
have a M.Sc. in “Sensors & Cognitive Psychology”.
What is your role within the FLOIM project? How do you expect your work in FLOIM project will contribute to your career development?
I am responsible for the software architecture that will obtain data from the production line and pre-process it for the subsequent Machine Learning algorithms. Working on this project involves a lot of coordination with international project partners as well as reading up on fields I never worked in before. I’m sure these are aspects I will definitely benefit from.
What are the activities in your current positon that you find the most interesting and why?
My position requires to work with different
technologies, different fields and of course different people on a regular
basis, so it never gets boring.
What are the main opportunities you identify in your optoelectronics-related field in terms of career development?
In terms of
process optimization, it is not sufficient to design efficient machines or to
gather and store data in an efficient way, but it is also crucial to process
this data using the proper techniques in order to draw the right conclusions.
Therefore, it is more and more important that data scientists and software
engineers work hand in hand with “classical” engineers.
Advice for future professionals in this field? This is a career for you if….
…you are
willing to learn something new every day!