did you realise that you wanted to pursue a career in a science and technology
field? What were your motivations to make this decision?
have always been into science and wanted to pursue a career in something I
enjoyed and could be passionate about.
an overview of your professional path.
am a mathematician and own a Master Science in Computational Science. In 2010 I
finished my PhD in Materials Science at the University of Oxford, UK and
continued my career as a Postdoc at the Otto von Guericke University, Germany.
Later on, I worked as a scientific coordinator at the Max Planck Institute
for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems in Magdeburg before starting my job
as a data scientist at the Fraunhofer IWU in Chemnitz, Germany.
a short overview of your job. What are your main responsibilities?
I focus
on the application of Machine Learning techniques for production data and I4.0
use cases.
do you find the most rewarding in your job? What do you find the most challenging
in your job?
variety of tasks is very large, because no data problem is the same. It can be
challenging to explain the benefits of the application of Machine Learning algorithms
to customers or project partners and to clarify that these are statistical
methods that can only make probability-related statements.
is your role within the FLOIM project? How do you expect your work in FLOIM
project to contribute to your career development?
FLOIM, I am a work package leader and focus on the integration of Machine
Learning methods in one of the demonstrators for the production of a fibre
optic transceiver in order to improve its quality.
would you advice to girl students that want to pursue a career in a science and
technology field?
want to encourage girls to pursue a career in science because it is great fun
and being involved in research and development of new technologies can be very